DesignBasics, David A. Lauer, 1990
Design Dimensions, Cynthia Dantzic
Ways of Seeing, John Berger
Understanding Comics, Scott McCloud
Point to Line to Plane, Wassily Kandinsky
Designing with Color, Chris Dorosz & JR Watson, 2010
Art and Visual Perception, Rudolph Arnheim
Art and Visual Perception, Rudolph Arnheim
Art Fundamentals: Theory and Practice, Ocvirk and others
Principles of Two-Dimensional Design, Wucius Wong
Principles of Two-Dimensional Design, Wucius Wong
Interaction of Color, Josef Albers
The Elements of Color, Johannes Itten
Foundations of Art and Design, Fichner-Rathus
River of Fundament . Matthew Barney . 2014
Understanding Comics full text PDF
The Elements of Color, Johannes Itten
Foundations of Art and Design, Fichner-Rathus
River of Fundament . Matthew Barney . 2014
Understanding Comics full text PDF