Tuesday, January 19, 2016

emojis ;0



  • Create a 1" x 11" rectangle, broken into units of 1" x 1" (totaling 11 units)
  • Create a Value scale from Hard (H) to Soft (B + Ebony) Pencils, light to dark
  • Thus #6 will be middle grey
  • On subsequent pages float 2" x 2" cell blocks in the center of your sketchbooks, maximum 9 to a page. 3 x 3 cells
  • Float 9 cell blocks in the center of your page
concepts + vocabulary development
figure - ground relationships
- value of graphite pencils Hard (H's) vs. Soft (B's)
- abstraction - non objective - representation
- objective vs. subjective
- composition - frame - cell - contour edge
- diversity - portion - placement - scale - visual weight - linear movement - visual rhythm
- purpose + function - aesthetic > form + function 
- design solutions in regards to assigned functions of commercial products

UNLIKE SOCIAL MEDIA emojis, you will be making use of Non Objective lines in pencil, creating diversity and high contrast  that will subjectively describe the following adjectives:
  • SOFT 
  • HARD
  • GROTESQUE                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Making use of non objective shapes, describe the same adjectives above
  • fill with your Sharpie black marker
  • consider the figure as white in some cells to activate a composition of interest
  • consider ground as black to activate a composition of interest
TOTAL 18 cells in your sketchbooks over two pages, 9 per page.
COPY one favorite page of LINE CELLS + one page of SHAPE CELLS for critique next class

Harold and His Purple Crayon video


In UNDERSTANDING COMICS Scott McCloud speaks about how comics are a sequential art form.  What this means is in order to understand the concept that is visually being communicated, the reader needs to put a number of comic cells together to become aware of the message. Thus, as few as two or more cells will convey a message which is understood over time. 

Creating meaningful differences with “sequential art.” McCloud writes, “Taken individually the pictures [above] are merely that—pictures. However when part of a sequence, even a sequence of only two, the art of the images is transformed into something more: the art of comics!”

Your charge is to create a non-objective transformational visual sequence using three of the adjectives from the list above.
i.  Select your three adjectives
ii. Establish which one will begin the transformation, the middle of the transformation and the end of the transformation.
iii. Divide your sketchbook into 4 rows of three (total 12)
iv. Create thumb nails that visually describe the adverb with shapes and lines.
v. Consider figure to ground relationships, weight of line, weight of shape, speed, mass, rhythm, value, space, scale, how one runs into the next cell, etc. 
vi. The work will be completed on 14" x 17" Bristol using Sharpie marker. Image size will be 4" x 12" float in the center.
(Each cell = 4" square) 

student work > "transitions"